Common Cleaning Myths – Quick Tips On Common Cleaners and Multifunction Products
|Why most Common Cleaning Products Are Not Good.

Most cleaning products spend more time on MARKETING their product than on designing a long-term solution for their customer. Why would we say that? A long-term solution should neither leave behind a residue nor contain damaging, harsh chemicals. It only makes sense that a cleaner should be surface safe, and not contribute to contaminating the surface, else we are just kicking the can a bit further down the road, as we create a more difficult problem to solve. MARBLELIFE’s focus is the development of solutions that work without creating downstream problems. We design products that are easy and worry-free to use .
What works on tile, is not necessarily the best solution for marble or granite. Here are two questions you want to know about your cleaner?
1. Will it leave a residue?
Products that leave a residue after cleaning can slowly build up a layer of sticky, gloss dulling impurities. We see this with micro-wax containing products which are designed to “fill-in” micro-scratches on glass. Well if designed to stay behind on glass, they stay behind on other surfaces as well. These pesky deposits are invisible until you notice that your gloss is fading. Now you need a more aggressive treatment to remove this build-up, which was designed to remain behind intentionally.
Other products focus on dissolving the oils that make a surface sticky and trap dirt. Once the oil is dissolved the visible dirt is removed as well, but if the initial chemistry is not properly balanced it is left behind to become a downstream sticky problem on its own. This is common in the carpet cleaning industry where excess soaps leave a clean but sticky residue allowing the carpet to trap and hold onto the dirt faster. Not bad for the carpet cleaner as he has to come back more frequently. Cleaners can see a similar effect, actually increasing their own need by leaving behind a dirt attracting residue. That is simply not playing fair.
MARBLELIFE’s product on the other hand is so effective, that if we do not utilize filtered water the product will self-clean itself, surrounding impurities common in city water, and removing them from the solution. The difference is that these particulates are designed to remain after cleaning or leave a dull film behind. They are designed to be so comfortable in water they are easy to remove, dramatically reducing streaking, and leaving behind no sticky residues.