NEW Grout And Restoration Could Change Everything
|When people think about floors they tend to focus on the tile, but get upset about the grout. Many cleaners will damage grout by attacking its original seal or leeching out the dyes responsible for coloring your grout.
The STAINED DIRTY appearance that frustrates so many home owners, is often the result of how the floor is being cleaned, regardless of intent. Understanding the root cause, MARBLELIFE has developed a series of solutions designed to address and repair the root cause. The net result is they can (1) restore a uniform clean and consistent color appearance; and (2) restore the protective seal with a sealer better engineered to stand up to daily use including cleaning; and (3) education regarding the best products to maintain your restored floor.
Grout solutions can be implemented in less than a day in most cases, without creating any dust. That icky feeling that causes so much frustration is your bodies natural defense mechanism to dealing with a perceived non-hygenic condition. It’s not wrong. If the grout is stained, its because dirt and oils have found a pore or hole to collect in. Cleaning material out of a hole, is like trying to clean a test tube with a sponge, you get the lip but cant get into the tube. Once restored the pores are sealed and this is a non-issue. As bacteria loves dirt and oil to grow in, literally cleaning and addressing grout staining creates a healthier environment, in addition to making the floor easier to maintain, and restoring its original beauty and value.