More than 25 years ago, a senior executive for one of the largest chemical companies in the world directed his team of PHD Chemists to solve his biggest problem.
Stone showers are beautiful and have wonderful character. Keeping them looking that way means that you must be very careful with the products you use or damage can occur.
As a floor service provider, slip safety is a consideration on each of our services and products. Slip safety is one of the most mis-understood and myth filled subjects.
Dish soap is good for cleaning dishes which are not porous and can be rinsed thoroughly. Granite, Marble and Grout are all porous which means oils get trapped in the pores and must be lifted out.
Marble floors are beautiful and BUT DO require special attention. Regular floor and household cleaners can damage your floors leaving them dull or stained requiring professional attention.
When caring for natural stone such as Granite, Marble and others there is an order to things which helps to assure the best care possible based on the stones longevity and appearance.
It may be as hard as “granite”, but it still requires some TLC to look its best. Cleaning, sealing and common sense can go a long way to keeping your granite looking great.
The average American baths and showers everyday. Of course, if you are an athelete, work-out regularly, or have teen agers, this number can be even higher.
In marble, travertine, slate and other natural stone showers where mold is heavy and obviously visible, the removal of mold stains can be accomplished quite simply.